Monday, October 19, 2009

Random Sexual Desires 01

Sometimes I fantasize about laying on my back on a head hanging over the arms spread wide with wrists bound. I then imagine a man sensually invading my face with his cock and balls...hearing his enabling, suggestive voice as he watches me weaken. Any effort to try and get away just results in lifting my head towards his cock. Eventually he is slowly pumping his rigid penis into my mouth and his balls are bouncing on my face. His goal is to develop a rhythym that will make me accept that I must please his cock. Skillful touching and naughty words get me aroused. Once I accept my role...his pace quickens. He pumps faster with the growing need to release. It seems he will never stop, but then....shortly before he reaches climax...he takes hold of my cock and starts to stroke it. He knows this will distract me from his goal. I begin to moan and buck because I like being stroked. His game continues until he knows I'm ready to cum and it's time for his surprise. As I begin to cum...I feel a stream of hot semen being released into my mouth. I try to take my mouth off his cock, but he positions himself perfectly to make sure he can release the entire load of cum in my mouth. My own orgasm has me distracted and weak. There is so much cum that I have to swallow. He continues to pump my mouth until every last drop of semen is shot into my mouth.


  1. Thank you so very much for brilliantly expressing the same emotions and urges that are consuming me! Your blog is eloquent and erotically powerful. I am a married man who over time has come to discover the power of the penis.

    Trapped in a marriage in which my wife (who I love dearly) no longer wanted sex, I tried to suppress my desires for a long time. But that is like trying to squeeze a balloon. As a man, no matter what I tried to do to wish it away (even saying daily prayers to please make it stop), the testosterone inside me and my psychological make-up simply overwhelmed me.

    That led me on a voyage of discovery similar to yours. I had always felt and enjoyed being a people-pleaser. On the surface, I know myself to be an intelligent, successful and conservative man. But inside, I have always wanted to please a sexual partner. Perhaps without my knowing, that made me ripe for the taking. One day, while surfing the Web, I discovered photos of beautiful transsexuals making love. I should have been appalled. But I had the exact opposite reaction. My arousal completely consumed me. How could this be? How could someone be so very feminine and beautiful, fulfilling every fantasy that I had, and also possess a stiff, powerful cock?

    Suddenly, for the first time in my life, I began to be seduced by a cock, and wonder what it would be like. That violated everything I was raised to believe in my Midwestern Catholic upbringing. And it made me wonder what being with a man would be like.

    Like you, on a whim, I ventured into the chat rooms (now departed -too bad), and one night, got the curiosity and courage to enter a gay men's chat room. When I announced myself as a clueless married male newbie, I was expecting ridicule. That probably would have had me running for my life, based on what I had been raised to believe about gay men. Wrong! Instead, I was suddenly the subject of their interest, a very powerful and magnetic feeling. They welcomed me. Answered my naive questions with patience. And encouraged me. That was very seductive. Perhaps it was because I was "fresh meat" as one person in the room described it. But I knew that there was no going back.

    Since then, I have tried to meet someone. It's not easy. I am 49, and at this late stage, I discovered that men like younger, more ripped guys than me. But I so desperately want this. There is no going back. And to read your words, you described me perfectly (although in my case, I practice with a banana, which is sweeter than a hot dog and provides me with an excellent source of potassium).

    Thank you so for your beautifully written blog. Please keep it going! To read your thoughts, I realized that I am not alone. I wish you success, and hope that i can have fulfillment similar to you.

    All the best,

    Irvine, CA

  2. Very good post ! (My blogs : and
