Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anal Penetration and Anal Orgasm

During my sexual development, I explored with self induced anal stimulation and penetration while masturbating. I used my soapy fingers in the shower. I discovered the incredible pleasure of sensual touching on the outside and what it felt like to finger myself. Once I felt this type of pleasure, I could not ignore it. However, I never initially took my exploration further than just rubbing on the outside and finger fucking before jerking off. I did this for several years and took it no further with myself or anyone. Consequently, I had yet to discover the anal orgasm.

Eventually I wanted to try fucking myself with something bigger, longer and more real than my finger. I didn't think about what caused my desires...just that I was very curious about pleasure. Due to being very protective of my "different" desires and my public image, I determined the best play toy would be a hot dog. They could be easily purchased and no one would suspect anything. My reasoning was a hot dog is a phallic-like object and came in various lengths and thicknesses.

Although I explored several times with hot dogs for simulated "cock sucking", I recall the first few times I fucked my hole with it. I liked the feeling of it pressing on and teasing my hole. I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment when I stretched open for it. I liked feeling it slide in and out, even though it somewhat paralized me while it happened.

The "big" moment came one day when I did not expect it. I was naked and began fucking myself with a wet hot dog. I began going deeper than before and was set on going as long as I could. I was laying face down, pumping my hole with the hot dog; feeling irregular breathing and slight moaning. My cock was hard and my body position made me grind my cock on the bed. Once I was able to take it deep enough, I felt the hot dog hitting a spot that felt so good. My body was restless and tense, but experiencing new pleasure that I did not know, but loved feeling. All I had to do to keep feeling that good was to continue fuck myself.

Within 30 seconds I felt an orgasm coming and it took me completely by surprise. I kept fucking myself and knew I was going to cum. As my muscles began to contract...I felt my hole tighten around the hot dog. It was an unreal, new pleasure. Then my cock began to shoot cum and the muscle contractions were so intense. I kept pumping the hot dog in and out during the entire orgasm. Afterwards...I lay there exhausted, surprised and drained.

That initial experience led me to include anal stimulation most times when I masturbate. The anal orgasm is always so intense. Interestingly enough, it's still difficult to reveal to a woman that I want to be fucked by a strap-on. Yet, so many bi and gay men are eager to talk to me about it and love the idea of "turning me out".

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