Saturday, April 18, 2009

Frustration and Inferiority Complex

One of the impacts I experienced by looking at naked women, lesbian and straight porn is that I became sexually frustrated. Yes, I masturbated daily, but seeing all those sexy women and all I could do was fantasize about them. I was never very good at pursuing women for anything. Usually only friendships developed or they were not interested. The combination of these and other things I experienced growing up created an inferiority complex, etc. I began to feel women were unatainable. Looking at gay porn and visiting gay chatrooms became an alternative to the frustration.

Also, the majority of men in straight porn were well built and hung. This made me believe that women wanted only the type of men in the porn scenes, which were men that I envied physically and for their abilities to "capture" a woman. That envy kept me even more intrigued by these men. What did they have and what did they know to get these women? Although it was a fictitious porn messed with my thinking.

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